



Do you know Genji-botaru ? Genji-botaru are beautiful fireflies in Japan. First I want to tell you about the life of them, and then tell you @( ア which イ why ウ what ) they disappeared from the rivers. Last, I will explain how we should live with them.


There are many beautiful places which are famous for fireflies all over Japan. Genji-botaru can live only in clean rivers in Japan. They can live for about a year. They lay eggs beside the river in June or July. About a month later eggs become larvae. Genji-botaru are very different from other fireflies. The larvae of Genji-botaru live in the river, but the larvae of many other fireflies live on the ground.


Genji-botaru in Japan once disappeared from the rivers in the 1950s because A( ア for イ from ウ of) water pollution. Some people started cleaning the rivers. They continued working together to solve Bthe environmental problem. At last Genji-botaru came back again in the 1970s. They saved Genji-botaru and the rivers from pollution.


When I visited a town last summer, I saw a lot of Genji-botaru. Many of them were flying around me. It was so beautiful that CI could not forget the scene. I thought I was dreaming. I just stood by the river and watched them.


We should make our environment a good place for us and Genji-botaru. I think that it is very important for us to keep clean natural environment and pass it down to the next generation in the 21st century. I believe each one of us can do something for Dthis purpose. Let’s do it for us and for Genji-botaru. Thank you.



<注> Genji-botaru ゲンジボタル(ホタルの一種)


fireflies < firefly ホタル  last 最後に


be famous for 〜 〜で有名である  lay eggs 卵を産む


larvae < larva 幼虫  be different from 〜 〜と異なる


environment 環境





1 本文中の@,Aの(  )内に入る適切な語を,それぞれア〜ウから一つ選び,記号で答えなさい。


2 下線部Bについて,その内容を具体的に表している部分を,本文中から二語で抜き出して書きなさい。


3 下線部Cについて,“the scene”の内容を具体的に,日本語で書きなさい。


4 下線部Dについて,その内容を具体的に表している部分を本文中から抜き出し,初めの三語と終わりの三語を英語で書きなさい。


5 次の英文は,本文の内容を要約したものです。文中の( E )〜( H )に入る適切な英語を,それぞれ一語書きなさい。
Genji-botaru live in clean rivers. In the 1950s, it was very difficult to ( E ) Genji-botaru. Some people started cleaning the rivers to ( F ) Genji-botaru and the rivers from pollution. Both Genji-botaru and we ( G ) clean natural environment. So we ( H ) take some action to pass it down to the next generation in the 21st century.


6 このスピーチのタイトルとして最も適切なものを,次のア〜エから一つ選び,記号で答えなさい。


ア The life of Genji-botaru    イ The larvae of Genji-botaru


ウ How to clean the river     エ How to live with Genji-botaru





