

次は,正男(Masao)とリンズ(Linz)が,正男の姉の参加した海外研修(study trip)について話をしているところです。(1)〜(4)の問いに答えなさい。




Linz: You have a new *cap, Masao. It looks very nice.


Masao: Thank you very much. My sister bought it for me.


Linz: Good! ( @ )did she buy it?


Masao: She bought it in the United States.


Eighty high school students went to *Minnesota together last summer.


Linz: Was it a school trip?


Masao: No, it wasn’t. They were from different high schools. They stayed there for three weeks.


Linz: I see. ( A )did they do there?


Masao: They studied English every day.



[  ] [  ] [  ]


Linz: So, they could try their English after studying. That is a good way to study English.


Masao: (A)I agree with you.


Linz: Did they stay at the *college dormitory?


Masao: Yes, they did. But on Saturdays and Sundays they visited families living around the college and had a good time. (B)That made their trip more interesting. I am going to join the study trip next year.


【注】 *cap:帽子  *Minnesota:ミネソタ州  *college dormitory:大学の学生寮


(1) @,Aにあてはまる英語をそれぞれ一語ずつ書きなさい。


(2) 点線で囲まれた部分の[ ]には次のア〜ウの文がそれぞれ一つずつ入ります。自然な流れになるように並べかえ,左から順に記号を書きなさい。


ア Then they went to town in groups in the afternoon.


イ And there they tried shopping in English at the town stores.


ウ For example, in the morning they learned about shopping in the classroom.


(3) 下線部(A)で正男が言いたいことを,次のア〜エから一つ選んで記号を書きなさい。


ア 毎日英語を勉強することはとても大切だということ


イ ミネソタ州に一緒に行った経験は貴重だということ


ウ 習った英語を実際に試すことは効果的だということ


エ 三週間のミネソタ州での滞在は短かったということ


(4) 下線部(B)の内容を具体的に日本語で書きなさい。






次の地図と絵や写真,表を見て,(1)〜(5)の問いに答えなさい。(1) 地図Iの...