



Mary : I have just read a book about words. It was very interesting.


Ken : Tell me something about it.


Mary : In Japanese, you use different words for “rice” such as kome, gohan and ine. But in English, we use the word “rice” for all of these Japanese words.


Ken : Oh, really? That’s interesting.


Mary : It happens the other way, too.


Ken : A


Mary : Take the word “ushi ” in Japanese, for example.


Ken : “Ushi ”? O.K.


Mary : In English, we have several ( @ ) words for that, such as cow, bull, and calf.


Ken : ( A ) are there so many English words for “ushi ”?


Mary : Well, the book says that ushi has a close relation to the lives of English people. Rice has an important role in Japanese culture. So Japanese people use a lot of ( B ) words for it.


Ken : I see. So, words such as cow, bull, and calf are used because ushi is an important animal in your culture.


Mary : B It is really interesting to learn about these kinds of things.


Ken : Yes, it is. I’d like to read that book.




注:kome 米 gohan ご飯 ine 稲  the other way, too 他にも  ushi 牛  cow 雌牛


bull 雄牛  calf 子牛  have a close relation to〜 〜と密接な関連がある




(1)  A , B に入る最も適当な文を,ア〜オの中からそれぞれ一つずつ選びなさい。


ア That’s right.    イ What’s the matter?  ウ You’re welcome.


エ What do you mean? オ I am wrong.




(2) @,Bには同じ語が入る。ア〜エの中から最も適当なものを一つ選びなさい。


ア kinds     イ any     ウ many    エ different




(3) 会話の流れに合うように,( A )に入る最も適当な疑問詞を書きなさい。




(4) 下線部の理由として述べられている一文を,本文中からそのまま書き抜きなさい。




次のKenとMaryの会話を読んで,(1)〜(4)の問いに答えなさい。Mary ...


次の文を読んで,(1)〜(4)の問いに答えなさい。 国会と内閣との関係について,...