



1 Your friend, Ben, asks you to go to a movie with him next Sunday. You want to go with him and you can.
At that time, what do you say to him?


ア Sure!
イ Look!
ウ Sorry!
エ Listen!


2 Your little brother has worked very hard and has made a wonderful chair.
At that time, what do you say to him?


ア You did nothing.
イ You did a good job.
ウ You’re welcome.
エ You’re wrong.


3 You want to know the English name of an animal that you saw on TV yesterday. You draw a picture of the animal in your notebook and show it to your English teacher, Ms. Smith.
At that time, what do you say to her?


ア Ms. Smith, why do you want to know the name of this animal in English?
イ Ms. Smith, why did you draw this animal in this notebook?
ウ Ms. Smith, what do you want to know about this animal?
エ Ms. Smith, what do you call this animal in English?



2つの整数a,bがある。次の各問に答えよ。〔問1〕 ab>0,a+b<0のとき,...


1 次の各文の下線部をつけた漢字の読みがなを書け。(1)出土した土器が博物館に陳...
