



Jun : Hello, everyone. When we come to school every morning, we see many *cans and *bottles on the streets. People buy *drinks and *leave the *empty cans and bottles on the streets. It’s a big problem today. We should do something about it. Ken will talk more about this problem.
Ken : Thank you, Jun. One morning Jun and I saw many cans and bottles on the streets around our school. We were very sad to see them. So after school we *picked up all of them and cleaned the streets. But the next morning we saw many cans again. We were angry. “We must do something about this,” we thought. Jun said, “Let’s clean the streets around our school every week.” Ryo and Mika wanted to help us, so we started to pick up the cans and bottles around our school every Monday. We also *counted the number of cans and bottles each time. Ryo will tell you more.
Ryo : (1) Please look at this. It shows how many cans and bottles we *found each time. On the first Monday we found about fifty. Of course we picked up all of them. One week later we found about the same number of cans and bottles. And after another week we again found about the same number. But in the fourth and fifth weeks, we didn’t find as many as before. What happened? Mika has the story.
Mika : Hi, everyone. For three weeks there were many cans and bottles around our school. We wanted people to stop leaving cans and bottles on the streets. So Ryo and I made ten *posters and wrote “(2) ” on them. We put them on the walls of our school. After that there weren’t so many cans and bottles. We are happy now.
Jun : Thank you, Mika. Now we don’t see many cans and bottles around our school, but we still see many of them in other places. We want to clean all the places in our town and put posters up at many more places. But we need more people to do that. If you can come on Monday, please *join us. We’ll meet at four at the station. If you have any questions, please ask us. That’s all. Thank you.
*cans : かん缶  bottles : びん瓶  drinks : 飲み物  leave : 置き去りにする  empty : から空の  pick(ed) up : 拾う  count(ed) : 数える  found : findの過去形  posters : ポスター  join : 参加する


(ア) 純たちが缶と瓶の掃除を始めたきっかけとして最も適するものを次の1〜4の中から一つ選び,その番号を書きなさい。
2. 学校周辺にあ空き缶や空き瓶が落ちていたから。
3. 自分たちが駅や通りに缶や瓶を捨てたから。
4. 空き缶や空き瓶について発表をしたかったから。


(イ)    線(1)で亮(Ryo)が見せたと思われるグラフを次の1〜4の中から一つ選び,その番号を書きなさい。


(ウ)    線(2)に入るものとして最も適するものを次の1〜4の中から一つ選び,その番号を書きなさい。
1. Please don’t leave cans and bottles here.     
2. Please play with cans and bottles in our school.
3. Please don’t look for more cans and bottles here. 
4. Please leave cans and bottles on the streets.


(エ) 発表のあとでクラスの友人から受けた質問に対して,純は “ Then please make posters when you have time.” と答えた。その友人の質問として考えられるものを次の1〜4の中から一つ選び,その番号を書きなさい。
1. Where in our town do you want to clean first?  
2. If I’m too busy on Monday, what can I do to help you?
3. How many posters are you going to make?   
4. When we go to the station, what should we bring?


(オ) 次の英文が本文の内容に合うように(  )の中に入れるのに最も適するものを下の1〜4の中から一つ選び,その番号を書きなさい。
Jun and Ken saw a lot of cans and bottles around their school. They picked them up and cleaned the streets, but soon they found many cans and bottles again. Ryo and Mika made posters. After that they didn’t find so many cans and bottles there. Now they want to clean other places in their town and are asking their friends ( ).
1. to clean their town with them     
2. to make a lot of posters on Monday
3. to clean their school first        
4. to count the number of cans and bottles





次の文章を読んで、あとの各問いに答えなさい。 ある年、疫病はやりて、諸人悩みける...
