

Hello, everyone. I’m going to talk about my club. You know, I was a runner in the track and field club. Last June, I ran in the 3000m race. I wanted to win a prize very much and I ran very hard, but I wasn’t able to win. It was my last race in junior high school. I was very sad. I practiced hard after school every day to win a prize, but@it didn’t help me in the race. For a few days, I couldn’t forget the race. I didn’t think I could become a fast runner. I didn’t want to run again.
In October, the men’s marathon race at the Olympic Games in Sydney changed my mind. It was wonderful. ADid you watch it ? I watched it on TV with my family. Every runner was running very hard in the strong wind. Of course, the runners who won medals looked happy. Among the runners who didn’t win medals, there were some runners who looked satisfied. Some of them reached the goal, holding up their hands. Others waved their hands to a lot of people who were watching the race. Many people cheered for all the runners who did their best and reached the goal. When I was watching the runners and the people, my father said to me, “Marathons are good. Are you going to join the track and field club again in high school?” I couldn’t say anything to him, then.
That night, I thought of the runners in the marathon race, and me in my last race. In June, the only important thing to me was to win a prize, but I changed my mind. It is also important for us to do our best. The marathon runners showed me that we could be satisfied if we did so.
Now I have an answer to my father’s question. BWhen I become a high school student, I     . I want to do my best and feel satisfied in the races during high school. CWhat are you going to do after junior high school? Thank you.


(注) track and field:陸上竸技  race:レース  practice:練習する  marathon:マラソン  Olympic Games:オリンピック
Sydney:シドニー  mind:気持ち  medal:メダル  satisfied:満足して  reach the goal:ゴールインする
holding up their hands:両手を挙げて  wave:振る  cheer for:たたえる  do one’s best:全力を尽くす


問1 下線部@はどのようなことを指していますか。日本語で書きなさい。
問2 文中には,正雄がシドニーからのテレビ中継について具体的に述べている文がいくつかあります。それらの中から3つ選び,日本語で書きなさい。
問3 あなたは,下線部A,Cのように聞かれたら,どのように答えますか。それぞれ3語以上の英文で書きなさい。
問4 下線部Bが父の質問に対する正雄の答えになるように,    の中に適切な語句を書き,英文を完成させなさい。
問5 次の(1),(2)の質問に対する答えとして,下のア〜エから最も適切なものをそれぞれ1つ選び,その符号を書きなさい。
(1) Was Masao happy when his race in June finished?
ア Yes, he was. He was satisfied because he was able to reach the goal in his last race.
イ No, he wasn’t. He wasn’t happy because he didn’t win a prize in his last race.
ウ Yes, he was. He was satisfied because he practiced hard after school every day.
エ No, he wasn’t. He wasn’t happy because he didn’t run very hard in his last race.


(2) Why did Masao change his mind after watching the marathon race on TV?
ア Because he thought it was difficult for him to become a fast runner, and he didn’t want to run.
イ Because he began to think that winning a prize was the most important.
ウ Because he thought some of the runners who didn’t win medals were also satisfied.
エ Because his father asked him to join the track and field club again in high school.


問6 次の文が本文の内容に合うように,(  )の中に入る最も適切な語を下のア〜クからそれぞれ1つ選び,その符号を書きなさい。
In June, Masao thought it was the most ( A ) to win a prize, and he didn’t want to run again ( B ) the last race in junior high school. In October, he( C ) from the marathon runners that it was wonderful for us to do our best. Now he has ( D ) to do his best in the races during high school.
ア after     イ learned     ウ changed     エ easy
オ showed    カ important    キ before      ク decided


問7 あなたが部活動以外の話題でスピーチをするとしたら,どのようなスピーチをしますか。解答欄の(  )に,まず話題を英語で書き,その後にあなたの考えや思いが伝わるように30語以上の英語で書きなさい。なお,文の数はいくつでもよく,記号(. , ?!”など)は語として数えないものとします。






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