

次の英文は,SatoshiとKazuyaがMr. and Mrs. Wisemanを訪ねたときの様子を書いたものです。これを読んで,1から3の問いに答えなさい。(*は注の単語・語句を示す。)


注 Seattle:シアトル(ワシントン州の都市) bus stop:バスの停留所
Pasco:パスコ(ワシントン州の都市)    darkness : 暗やみ
headlights:自動車のヘッドライト       got out:(自動車から)降りた
happily:うれしそうに            However:しかし
the Columbia River:コロンビア川(ワシントン州を流れる) church:教会


The bus left *Seattle at six o’clock in the evening and drove for almost four hours. Kazuya said to the driver, “Excuse me, but (ア)“Don’t worry. We’ll be there soon,” the driver smiled and answered. It was after ten o’clock when Satoshi and Kazuya arrived at the *bus stop in *Pasco. They said goodbye to the driver and the bus quickly started into the *darkness. Suddenly Satoshi and Kazuya became (イ) because they couldn’t see anything around them. They were very glad when they saw *headlights. Soon a car stopped near them. A tall man *got out and said, “Hi, are you Satoshi and Kazuya?” “Yes, we are,” Satoshi answered *happily. “Nice to see you again. Welcome to Pasco,” Mr. Wiseman said and helped them into the car.
They arrived at Mr. Wiseman’s house in about thirty minutes. Mr. Wiseman carried their bags into the house and introduced them to his wife. Then he quickly (ウ)showed them around. Kazuya thought the house was very big. The last room they saw was a large dining room. They sat down and enjoyed talking about their exciting trip. They decided to go to bed at twelve o’clock because they were so tired.
That night Satoshi thought of his first stay with Mr. and Mrs. Wiseman. Twenty years ago, he slept in the same bed in the same room. Every morning Mrs. Wiseman called, “Satoshi, Good morning! Are you up? It’s already six.”
The next morning, (エ)Satoshi got up earlier than anyone else and went into the garden. He was surprised to see that the house was still the same after twenty years. *However, the two trees in front of the house were taller and bigger.
After breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. Wiseman took Satoshi and Kazuya to *the Columbia River. There were big fish swimming up the river. It was great!
On Sunday, they went to *church, and Mr. and Mrs. Wiseman introduced them to many people. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wiseman were once high school teachers, so they were (オ) known in Pasco.
It was only a short visit, but Satoshi and Kazuya had a wonderful time with Mr. and Mrs. Wiseman. It was hard to say goodbye.


1 次のアからオの各問いに,それぞれ番号で答えなさい。
ア 本文の内容からみて,(ア)の中に補うものとして最も適切なものはどれか。
1 how do we get to Pasco?”
2 what do we do in Pasco?”
3 where are we going in Pasco?”
4 how long will it take to get to Pasco?”


イ 本文の内容からみて,(イ)の中に補うものとして最も適切なものはどれか。
1 cold      2 happy      3 afraid      4 popular


ウ 本文の内容からみて,下線部(ウ)の意味を表すものとして最も適切なものはどれか。
1 showed them around the bus stop. 2 showed them around Pasco.
3 showed them around the rooms.  4 showed them around park.


エ 本文の内容からみて,下線部(エ)とほぼ同じ意味を表すものとして適切でないものはどれか。
1 Satoshi got up the earliest   2 no one got up earlier than Satoshi
3 no one got up as early as Satoshi  4 someone got up earlier than Satoshi


オ 本文の内容からみて,(オ)の中に補うものとして最も適切なものはどれか。
1 little     2 well     3 many     4 sometimes


2 次の(1)から(6)のうち,本文の内容と合っているものはどれか。二つ選び,その番号を書きなさい。
(1) Satoshi and Kazuya didn’t enjoy the trip because they couldn’t see anything around Pasco.
(2) The headlights Satoshi and Kazuya saw at the bus stop made them happy.
(3) Twenty years ago, Satoshi went to bed after twelve o’clock every night.
(4) Mr. and Mrs. Wiseman built a taller and bigger house.
(5) Satoshi and Kazuya enjoyed fishing in the Columbia River.
(6) Mr. and Mrs. Wiseman were very kind, and Satoshi and Kazuya had a wonderful time with them.


3 次の英文は,本文の内容をまとめたものです。本文を参考にして,  @   から
  C   の中に,適切な英語を1語ずつ書きなさい。
Satoshi and Kazuya went to   @   by bus. It took a long time. Late at night, at the bus stop, they couldn’t   A   Mr. Wiseman. When they saw the headlights, they were glad. Soon a car stopped and Mr. Wiseman got out. “Welcome to Pasco,” he said. He took them to his house. In his room Satoshi   B   that twenty years ago he got up at six every morning. Satoshi and Kazuya   C   with them for a few days and had a very good time.   




次の英文は,SatoshiとKazuyaがMr. and Mrs. Wisema...

次の文章は、ある日の班ノートから抜き書きしたものであるが、各文には、後の(   ...
