

Hiroshi : What are you reading now?
Mary : A book about the earth’s environmental pollution. The book says, “There are many problems in the world. @For ( ア ), the rain forests are disappearing. Many animals and plants are suffering from water and air pollution.”
Hiroshi : I’ve just learned about the pollution at school, and I’m going to do volunteer work next Sunday.
Mary : Volunteer work?  A 
Hiroshi : There is a lot of litter in the river near my house. ASo I’ll ( イ ) up early in the morning and clean the river with other people.     BDoing something we can do is ( ウ ) important than just thinking about the environmental pollution.
Mary : That’s right. I also have to do something.
Hiroshi :  B 
Mary : All right. I’ll do the volunteer work with you, too.
Hiroshi : Oh, that’s great. Then please come to my house at seven.
Mary :  C  


(注)environmental pollution 環境汚染   suffer from 〜 〜で苦しむ
air 大気     litter ごみ     clean 〜 〜を清掃する


(1) 下線@,A,Bのついた文が,会話の中の文として最も適当なものとなるように,( ア ),( イ ),( ウ )のそれぞれにあてはまる語を書け。


(2)  A  ,  B  ,  C   のそれぞれにあてはまる最も適当なものを,次のアからクまでの中から選んで,そのかな符号を書け。ただし,いずれも一度しか用いることができない。
ア Sure.                 イ No, thank you.
ウ May I help you?          エ Do you like the river?
オ What will you do?         カ Why don’t you join us?
キ When will you go there?     ク You’re welcome.




次の文章を読んで,あとの(1)と(2)の問いに答えよ。Hiroshi : Wha...


次のA,B,Cの文を読んで,あとの(1)から(4)までの問いに答えよ。A 米騒動...