

Last summer I studied at a language school in Britain for one month. The students in my class were from many parts of the world such as Europe, Africa, and Asia. Somchai was among them.
At first I was very A and didn’t know what to say. I kept silent during class. The other students talked a lot. They asked the teacher many questions and exchanged their ideas. I was very surprised, because @that didn’t happen at my school in Japan.
One day the teacher told us to find a partner and make a dialog. “Who can I work with? I haven’t talked to anyone yet,” I thought. Then Somchai came to me and said, “Hi, Saori. [ A ]” Somchai helped me and we were able to make an interesting dialog. Later, when we performed in front of the class, everyone gave us a big hand. I was very glad. I now felt that I was a member of this class.
After the class I talked with Somchai. “I have joined this program to study English by talking with people from different countries,” said Somchai. “Don’t be so shy, Saori. You speak good English. If you have a little more courage and talk to people, you will get many friends. Now you have a good chance and you should use it.” Then Somchai began to talk about himself, his family, and his country. He looked happy when I said that Thai food was popular in Japan. He said, “These days more and more Japanese people come to Thailand, and more and more Thai people are studying Japanese. I believe the two countries will become better friends in the future.”
After that I tried to talk to my classmates. They were all very friendly, and through them I learned many things about their countries and cultures. They were also interested in Japan, so I told them about it. It was very interesting B[(ア) people / (イ) to / (ウ) in different countries / (エ) live / (オ) how / (カ) know] and think.
When we were leaving Britain, Somchai said to me, “I’m glad I met you, Saori. Can we B in touch? We can learn more about each other’s country by exchanging letters.” Cそれ以来私たちは親しくしています。 Through this program I learned Da very important thing. Somchai didn’t know Japanese and I didn’t know Thai. English wasn’t our native language, but we were able to talk with each other through English. If we can use English, we can communicate with people around the world. That’s a wonderful thing, isn’t it?
Now I want to call out to the people in the world by saying “Hello.” Isn’t it exciting to meet new people and make friends with them?


(注) Europe ヨーロッパ partner ペアの相手 give 〜 a big hand 〜に大きな拍手を送る
member メンバー     shy 恥ずかしがっている    Thai タイの,タイ語
 classmate クラスメート  communicate 意思を伝える   call out 大きな声で呼びかける


(1) 本文中の  A  と  B  に文意が通じるようにそれぞれ語を入れるとき,次のうち最も適当なものはどれか,(ア)〜(エ)から1つずつ選べ。
A (ア) worried    (イ) happy    (ウ) exciting    (エ) angry


B (ア) make     (イ) have     (ウ) take      (エ) keep



(2) 本文中の下線部@の内容を表すものとして最も適当なものはどれか,(ア)〜(エ)から1つ選べ。 
(ア) さおりのクラスには世界のいろいろな地域の人が集まっていたこと。
(イ) 生徒が先生にいろいろな質問をしたり,互いに考えを述べ合ったりしたこと。
(ウ) さおりが何を言えばよいかわからず,授業中ずっと沈黙していたこと。
(エ) 先生が生徒にペアの相手を見つけて会話をつくるように言ったこと。


(3) 本文の内容から考えて,[ A ]に文意が通じるように文を入れるとき,次のうち最も適当なものはどれか,(ア)〜(エ)から1つ選べ。 
(ア) How did you find your partner?  (イ) Can we work together?
(ウ) Can we talk after the class?    (エ) Where are you going?


(4) 本文中の下線部Bの[  ]内の(ア)〜(カ)を文意が通じるように正しく並べかえ,記号で答えよ。


(5) 本文中の下線部Cの日本語を英語にするとき,次の  ア ・ イ  に入る語を1語ずつ書け。
We   ア     イ   good friends since then.


(6) 本文中の下線部Dの内容を最もよく表している1文はどれか。同じ段落中から抜き出し,最初と最後の単語を1語ずつ書け。


(7) 本文の内容から考えて,次の問いに対する答えとして最も適当なものはどれか,下の(ア)〜(エ)から1つ選べ。
Why was Saori glad when she performed with Somchai in front of the class?
(ア) Because the teacher told her to find a partner and make a dialog.
(イ) Because she was able to help Somchai and make an interesting dialog.
(ウ) Because she felt for the first time that she was a member of the class.
(エ) Because she was able to talk with her classmates for the first time.


(8) 本文の内容から考えて,次の問いに対する答えの文が正しいものになるように,(   ) に入る1語を書け。
What did Somchai say to Saori when they were leaving Britain?
答えの文:He said that they could (    ) to each other and learn more about their countries.


(9) 次の文章は,さおりが帰国後にソムチャイにあてた手紙である。文中の  ア ・ イ  に入る最も適当な1語を,それぞれ左ページの本文中から抜き出して書け。
Dear Somchai,
Hello, Somchai. How are you? I’m fine. Two weeks have passed since I came back to Japan and I’m back at my Japanese school now.
I had a very good time in Britain this summer. At first I didn’t have enough courage and couldn’t ア to anyone in my class. But with your help I was able to become friends with my classmates and learn a lot from them. Now I want to have more chances to meet people from different イ and communicate with them through English.
I am very happy to have a good friend like you. Please say hello to your family and I’m waiting for your letter.
                                   Your friend, Saori               





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