



Jim and Nami like manzai. They sometimes watch it on TV.
One day after school in October, they asked Kumiko about manzai.


Jim : Kumiko, manzai is popular in Osaka, isn’t it?
Kumiko : Yes,that’s right. Manzai is famous and has a long history. Why do you ask?
Nami : Because Jim and I are going to do manzai in English at the school festival next month.
Kumiko : In English?
Nami : Yes.
Kumiko : Oh, I think it will be a little difficult for some students to understand a manzai story in English. Please use easy English. But I like your idea.
       ( @ )       
Jim : Yes, let’s do it together.


They did manzai at the school festival the next month.


Nami: Hi, everyone. We hope you’ll enjoy our manzai.


Jim: Nami and Kumiko, I went to a farm with my friends yesterday. There were many kinds of apples on the trees.
Kumiko: Really?
Jim: Yes,and we met a man working there.
Nami: Oh,did you?
Jim: Well, I wanted an apple. So, I asked the man, “How much is that big red apple on the tree?” He answered,”It’s 100 yen.” But l had only 50 yen.
Kumiko: Oh,so you couldn’t buy it.
Jim: That’s right. I said to him, “I have only 50 yen.” He smiled and said, “How about that one? It’s 50 yen.” But it was small and still green.
Nami: Oh,that’s too bad.
Jim: I know, but I gave him 50 yen and said, “I’ll take it, but please don’t cut it from the tree. I’ll come back and get it in a few weeks.”
Kumiko: What? Did you write your name on it?


(1) 本文の内容と合うように,次の問いに対する答えを,下の〔  〕から一つ選び,記号で書きなさい。
What month did Kumiko, Nami and Jim have their school festival?
〔 ア In October.  イ In November.  ウ In December. 〕


(2) 本文中の (       @      ) には,久美子がジムとナミに自分も加わってもよいかと許可を求める英文が入ります。適している英文を書きなさい。


(3) 本文の漫才の中には,ジムが大きくて赤いりんごを買えなかった理由が述べられています。その内容を日本語で書きなさい。


(4) 本文の漫才の中で,ジムは “I’ll come back and get it in a few weeks.” と述べています。そのことばが意味している内容と合うように,次の文中の A〜C に入れるのに最も適している英語を,下の〔  〕から一つずつ選び,記号で書きなさい。
The (A) apple will become a (B) one in a few weeks. So, Jim thinks he will come back and get the (C) apple then.
〔 ア small and green   イ big and red 〕


(5) 本文の内容と合うように,次の問いに対する答えをそれぞれ英語で書きなさい。
@ Did Kumiko think it was easy for all the students to understand a manzai story in English?
A Who met Jim and his friends on the farm?





次の文章を読んで、あとの問いに答えなさい。 わが@草の戸のはつゆき見むと、よそに...