

次の対話文は,Akiと Aki の母親の会話である。文中の(a)〜(d)にあてはまる英文は,あとのア〜クのうちのどれか。最も適当なものをそれぞれ一つずつ選んで,その記号を書け。


Mother: You look happy, Aki.  (a) 
Aki: You know what? I’m going out with Ken next Sunday.
Mother: I see. Where are you going?
Aki: We’re going to the concert. He has two tickets for it.  (b) 
Mother: Sure,but you must come back before eight o’clock.
Aki: O.K. I’ll be back by that time.
Mother: I think you will enjoy your first date very much.
Aki:  (c)  Well,do you remember your first date, Mother?
Mother: Yes,of course. I had a very good time with your father.
Aki: Oh,really? Music has universal appeal, doesn’t it?


ア We also went to a concert.   イ I think so, too.
ウ I don’t know what to do.    エ Why don’t we try?
オ May I go with him?      カ Let’s go together.
キ Here you are, Mother.     ク What happened?




次の対話文は,Akiと Aki の母親の会話である。文中の(a)〜(d)にあては...
