

Mr. Clark is a new English teacher in Hiroshi’s school. Hiroshi saw Mr. Clark in the teachers’ room after school.
Hiroshi: Hello, Mr. Clark. (ア)僕と話をする時間が少しありますか。
Mr. Clark: Sure. Do you have any questions?
Hiroshi: Yes. What food do you like in Japan?
Mr. Clark: I like curry. I made it for dinner last night.
Hiroshi:    @   
Mr. Clark: It was very good. I put many vegetables in it.
Hiroshi: How about meat?
Mr. Clark: I didn’t put any meat in it. I don’t eat meat. I usually eat vegetables, fish, fruit, and so on.
Hiroshi: Then don’t you eat beefsteak, either?
Mr. Clark:    A    Beefsteak is meat, too.
Hiroshi: I see. Are there many people like you in your country?
Mr. Clark: Well, I’m not sure. I think there are more people who don’t eat meat than before. But in my family, only I don’t eat meat. My mother says it is difficult to cook for my family.    B   
Hiroshi: Cooking is difficult for my mother, too. I like meat very much, but I don’t like vegetables. All the other members of my family like vegetables. My mother always tells me to eat more vegetables.By the way, what are you going to make for dinner today?
Mr. Clark: Well, I am going to make yakisoba and salad.

Hiroshi: Then I will ask my mother to give you some vegetables from her garden. (イ)5時ごろ頃,それらをあなたの家にもって行きます。
Mr. Clark: Oh, they will be fresh. Thank you very much. I will be at my home.


 (注)meat 肉 beefsteak ビーフステーキ salad サラダ


1 本文中の@〜Bに当てはまる最も適当なものを,それぞれ次のア〜カの中から一つずつ選び,その記号を書け。
ア Yes, I do.           イ No, I don’t.
ウ How was it?          エ Where did you make it?
オ She often asks me to eat meat. カ What will you cook for your family?


2 本文中の(ア),(イ)の日本語の内容を英語に直せ。


3 次の(1)〜(3)の英文の内容が本文の内容に合うように,〔 〕のア〜エの中から,それぞれ最も適当なものを一つずつ選び,その記号を書け。
(1)Last night Mr. Clark made 〔ア beefsteak イ curry ウ yakisoba エ salad〕for dinner.
(2)Only Hiroshi in his family does not like 〔ア vegetables イ fish ウ fruit エ meat〕.
(3)This evening Mr. Clark is going to 〔ア buy   イ protect   ウ receive   エ order〕 some vegetables from Hiroshi.




次の対話文を読んで,1〜3の問いに答えなさい。Mr. Clark is a ne...
