

(注) three days after 〜 = 〜 して3日後 welcome party = 歓迎会 be held = 行われる Italy = イタリア Enrico = (人名) エンリーコ such as 〜 = 例えば〜のような custom = 慣習


Last August I went to the United States to study English at a school. The school was in New York. I had an aunt in the city. She was teaching Japanese. I stayed at her house for about a month and went to school by bus every day. I could not meet any Japanese students at the school. But I could meet many students from foreign countries. They also came to the school to study English.
Three days after I started to study there, a welcome party was held for the foreign students who came to the school. I talked with a student from Italy at the party. His name was Enrico. He told me a lot of things about his country, such as interesting customs and famous places in Italy. Then he asked me some questions about Japanese customs and history. I tried to answer his questions, but I could not give him satisfactory answers then. So I thought I had to study about my own country.
When I went back to my aunt’s house after the party, I talked about Enrico’s questions with her. She showed me some books about Japan then. I asked her to lend me the books. When I read them, I learned a lot of things about my own country. So I could answer Enrico’s questions about Japan when I saw him at the school.
Enrico and I became good friends. We studied and often played soccer together. When we were leaving the United States, Enrico said, “I hope I can see you again. I will write to you, Haruo.” His words made me very happy.
I think it is important for us to learn foreign languages. And I think it is also important for us to know about our own country. I learned many things from my good friend, Enrico.


A 文中の下線部satisfactoryの意味として,最も適当なものをア〜オから一つ選び,記号で答えよ。
ア 理屈にあわない  イ 進歩的な  ウ 創造的な  エ 満足のいく  オ 理解しにくい


B 上の本文の内容に合っているものを, 次のア〜オから二つ選び, 記号で答えよ。
ア Haruo stayed at Enrico’s house for about a month to study English at a school in New York last August.
イ Haruo studied English with a Japanese student at the school in New York last August.
ウ Both Haruo and Enrico were at the welcome party for the foreign students.
エ Haruo found many books about Japan in his aunt’s house and asked her to give him the books.
オ Haruo got very happy when Enrico said, “I hope I can see you again. I will write to you, Haruo.”


C 上の本文の内容について, 次のア〜ウの問いに英語で答えよ。
ア How did Haruo go to school every day when he stayed at his aunt’s house in New York last August?
イ What did Haruo and his aunt talk about when Haruo went back to his aunt’s house after the welcome party?
ウ Did Haruo and Enrico become good friends?


D 上の本文で春雄が最も言いたいことを次のようにまとめたい。(    )の中に,それぞれ適当なことばを入れて,文を完成せよ。
 外国の人々と交流するうえで,(                   )が重要であると同様に,(                   )も重要であるということ。





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