

次の英文は,江戸時代に活躍したい伊のう能ただたか忠敬について書いたものです。これを読み,本文の意味が自然に通るように,文中の( @ )〜( D )にあてはまる最も適切な語を,下の@〜Dのア〜エの中から1つずつ選び,その記号を書きなさい。


When Tadataka Ino was young, he liked watching stars in the sky. He was interested in astronomy. At that time he had to work hard to support his family, and he had no( @ )to study it. But he didn’t give up. After working for many years, he went to Edo. He was 50 years old then. In Edo he studied astronomy very hard.
In those days there was no exact map of the country, so he( A )marking an exact one. He had to find his bearings and measure distances for that. When he wanted to find his bearings, his knowledge of astronomy was very( B ). And walking was one of the ways to measure distances.
He visited many places all over Japan. He walked and walked. He wasn’t young and he sometimes became sick. It was( C )for him to walk a long distance. But he( D )stopped walking. He walked about 40,000 km and it took 17 years. At last he made a map of the whole country. The map was so exact that it was used in many places for a long time.


(注)astronomy 天文学  give up あきらめる  in those days 当時  exact 正確な
map 地図 bearing 方角 measure 側る distance 距離   knowledge 知識


@ ( ア fun     イ story     ウ problem  エ chance )
A ( ア finished  イ remembered  ウ started   エ stopped )
B ( ア useful   イ famous    ウ difficult   エ strange )
C ( ア easy    イ hard     ウ interesting エ good )
D ( ア always   イ sometimes   ウ often    エ never )





次の絵を見て、あなたが考えたことや感じたことを書きなさい。ただし、あとの条件 ・...
