

Yukiko is a high school student. She is sixteen years old. She went to Australia to study English in August 2000. She stayed there with a family for two weeks. There were four people in the family. They were Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith, David, and Jane. Jane was as old as Yukiko, and her older brother, David, was a college student.
One day, Yukiko went shopping with Jane and David. When @(street walking they on were the), Yukiko saw a pretty T-shirt in front of a shop. She said, “Wait a minute, I want to look at that T-shirt. OK?” Jane said, “Oh, yes.” And David said, “Sure.” Yukiko liked the T-shirt and decided to buy it. Then Yukiko took the T-shirt to the clerk of the shop. The clerk said, “Twenty-one dollars, please.” Yukiko gave fifty dollars to the clerk. And the clerk gave Yukiko some money and said, “Here is your change. Thank you.”
After they left the shop, Yukiko looked at the change. There were some bank notes in the change. She said, “Jane, these bank notes are not made of paper. What are they made of ?” Jane answered, “Well, they are made of plastic, so they are very strong.” And Yukiko asked, “Are they new?” Jane said, “Well, they were first made about ten years ago.” Yukiko said, “Oh, I see. These are very beautiful. By the way, in my country Aa new bank note was made last month.” When Jane heard this, she said, “I want to see one.” Yukiko said, “I’m sorry, but I don’t have one now. I didn’t bring one to Australia.” Then David said, “Well, maybe we can see one on the Internet. Let’s go home and try.”
When they arrived home, David started to use his  (1)  . He tried to find the new bank note in Japan on the Internet. Yukiko asked, “Can you get information about Japan on the Internet?” David said, “Oh, yes, but wait a minute, please.” Soon David said, “Yukiko, is this the information we want?” Yukiko read the information and said, “Yes, it is! This is the 2000 yen bank note in Japan.” Then David said, “Well, I can’t read Japanese. What does this say?” So Yukiko said, “Well, look at this picture. This building is called Shureimon. It is famous in Okinawa.” Jane said, “Oh, it’s beautiful. What are the other pictures?” Yukiko said, “This is a picture from an old story called Genji Monogatari. The story was written about 1000 years ago. And this is a picture of Murasaki Shikibu. She wrote the story.” Then Jane and David studied Bsome other things about Japan on the Internet with Yukiko. They all had a very good time.


(注) Australia オーストラリア  T-shirt Tシャツ  in front of〜 〜の前で
decide 決める  clerk 店員  dollar ドル(通貨の単位)
change おつり  bank note お札(貨幣) be made of〜 〜でできている
plastic プラスチック  by the way ところで  Internet インターネット
information 情報  yen 円(通貨の単位)


1 次の(1)・(2)に対する答えを,日本語で書きなさい。
(1) ゆき子は何をするためにオーストラリアに行ったのですか。
(2) ジェーンは,プラスチック製のお札はおよそ何年前に初めて作られたと言っていますか。
2 本文中の下線部@が意味の通る英文になるように,(  )内の語を並べかえて,英文を完成しなさい。
3 次のア〜エの中で, (1)  にあてはまる最も適切な語を選び,その記号を書きなさい。
ア computer   イ dictionary   ウ picture   エ shop
4 次の(1)・(2)に対する答えを,英語で書きなさい。
(1) Who is younger, Jane or David?
(2) Was Genji Monogatari written about 2000 years ago?
5 次のア〜エの中で,本文の内容に合っているものを1つ選び,その記号を書きなさい。
ア Jane took Yukiko to David’s college.
イ Yukiko bought a pretty T-shirt at a shop.
ウ Mrs. Smith gave twenty dollars to Yukiko.
エ David could read Japanese on the Internet.
6 下線部Aについて,このお札とはどこの国のいくらのお札のことでしょうか。本文の内容から判断し,その答えを日本語で書きなさい。
7 下線部Bについて,あなたはジェーンとデイビッドがどのような事柄を勉強したと考えますか。あなたの考えを英文で書きなさい。






次の英文を読んで,あとの1〜7に答えなさい。Yukiko is a high s...

