

次の(1),(2)は中学生のTakaoとPeter先生との学校での一連の対話です。 @ 〜 B には下のア〜エの中から, C , D には下のオ〜キの中から,最もよくあてはまる英文をそれぞれ一つ選び,その記号を書きなさい。


(1) On Wednesday
Peter : What’s the matter? Do you have a question?
Takao : Ummm.... Have you visited a home for old people?
Peter : Yes. Why?  @ 
Takao : Yes, tomorrow, but I don’t know what to do for them.
Peter : Oh, I see.  A  I think it’s important.
Takao : All right.  B 
Peter : Have a good time.


ア Have you been there?  イ Just go and talk to them.
ウ I’ll try to do that.    エ Are you going to visit old people?


(2) On Friday
Peter : How was your visit yesterday?
Takao : I was very happy to be with them.  C 
Peter : Oh, did you?
Takao : Yes. I learned something important.  D 
Peter : That’s right. Old people like to talk with young people. We can understand each other better by talking.


オ We talked a lot.  カ I’m going to visit old people next week.
キ We all should spend more time with old people.




