

中学生の太郎さんと留学生の David さんとの次の会話文を読んで,後の1〜4の問いに答えなさい。
David :I didn’t see you yesterday at school, Taro. [  あ  ]
Taro :I visited a senior citizens’ home with my classmates.
David :Is that part of a class?
Taro :Yes, it is. Sometimes we go out of school to do something useful for the community or to have work experiences. Now we have this kind of class in Japanese junior high schools.
David :That’s wonderful. [  い  ]
Taro :We helped the people living there when they wanted to eat, walk or take a bath.
David :Was it difficult?
Taro :Yes, but I had a very good time. When we were helping them, many of them were smiling at us and said “Thank you.” to us. I really enjoyed spending time with them.
David :I think that you learned something you can’t learn in the classroom.
Taro :I think so, too. I am very ( A ) to know that there are some things I can do for other people.
David :That was a very nice experience, Taro. I would like to do the same thing. But ( B ) a senior citizens’ home in Japan. Do you have any plans to visit there again?
Taro :Yes. Next week my friends and I are going to go with the volunteer group to help people there. [  う  ]
David :OK, I will.
Taro :Good, let’s go together.


(注)senior citizens’ home:老人ホーム classmate:同級生    community:地域社会
   experience:経験         take a bath:入浴する  plan:計画


1 [ あ ]〜[ う ]に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれア〜オから選びなさい。
ア Why don’t you come with us?   イ How many people were there?
ウ How did you go there?      エ What did you do there?
オ What happened?
2 (  A  )に入れるのに最も適当な語を,ア〜エから1つ選びなさい。
ア sorry   イ happy   ウ afraid   エ careful
3     線部が次の日本文の意味を表すように(  B  )に4語以上の英語を入れて文を完成させなさい。
4     線部のように太郎さんが答えたのはなぜですか。日本語で説明しなさい。




中学生の太郎さんと留学生の David さんとの次の会話文を読んで,後の1〜4の...

