

My @name is Abdur. I’m a college student from Bangladesh. When I first came to Japan several years ago, I had to learn Japanese. Through studying Japanese, I made a lot of Japanese friends.
 Bangladesh is a young country in Asia. Most people work on farms. There are still a lot of people who can’t read or write. I think this is a serious problem for Bangladesh.


 I grew up in a small village near a river. When I was a young boy , my family was poor. My parents worked hard on the farm all day. My brothers and sisters also stayed at home to work. In my family, I was the only child that could study at school. I came home after school and worked with my family. At night, AI was the teacher for my brothers and sisters.
 In Bangladesh, the children should go to primary school for five years. Their parents don’t have to pay any money for primary school. But many children don’t study at school for five years. They leave school to work. There are not many children who can go to secondary school, because much money is needed.
 After coming to Japan, I wanted to do something for the children in my village. One day I had an ( B ). I thought, “When I was little, there was a cow on my family’s farm and I gave it some food and water. Cows are very useful animals because they give us milk. Both boys and girls in my village know how to keep cows. So CI will lend young cows to the children who want to go to secondary school. They will take care of the cows. The cows will grow up and make milk. The children will sell the milk and get money to go to secondary school. When the cows have babies, I will ask the children to give the first babies to me. Then I can lend them to Dother children.”
 I told my ( E )to my Japanese friends and they got interested. We made a volunteer group three years ago. FEvery year, we visit Bangladesh and buy young cows. We have lent the cows to many children in my village. One Japanese friend who visited Bangladesh with me said, “The children in your country study very hard.” I was happy to hear Gthat.
 The children keeping our cows sometimes write to us. This year a piece of good news made us happy. Some children who have kept the cows will go to secondary school soon! Now we have Ha new plan. There are no libraries in my village, so we will build a small one for the children.


(注)Bangladesh:バングラデシュ  serious:深刻な  primary school:小学校  pay:払う
secondary school:中学校  cow:乳牛  babies:赤ん坊(babyの複数形)


(1) 下線部@,D,Fの語句を,それぞれ日本語に直せ。
(2) アブドゥール(Abdur)さんが下線部Aのような役割を果たしたのは,なぜか。日本語で書け。
(3) ( B )と( E )には,同じ英語1語が入る。文脈から考えて適する英語を書け。
(4) 次の(a)〜(c)の文が本文の内容と合うように,(  )に適する英語をそれぞれ1語で書け。
(a) There are still (  )people who are not able to read or write in Bangladesh.
(b) In Bangladesh,(  )money is needed to study at primary school for five years.
(c) When Abdur was a young boy, his family kept a cow on the (  )and he took care of it.
(5) アブドゥールさんが,下線部Cのことを行う目的は何か。日本語で具体的に書け。
(6) 下線部G,Hの内容を,日本語で具体的に書け。
(7) 本文の内容と合っているものを,次のア〜カから2つ選び,その記号を書け。
ア When Abdur began living in Japan, he spoke Japanese so well that he made many Japanese friends soon.
イ Before Abdur left Bangladesh to study in Japan, his parents told him what to do for his village.
ウ Abdur went back to Bangladesh from Japan to help his busy brothers and sisters in his village.
エ A volunteer group was made by Abdur and his friends to lend cows to the children in his village.
オ Abdur often writes to the children in his village and asks them to study hard at secondary school.
カ Abdur’s group has lent the cows to many children, and some of them will go to secondary school soon.




次の文を読んで,各問いに答えよ。My @name is Abdur. I’m ...

次の文章を読み、各問いに答えよ。ア 人せちに思ひて、心の中にこめ忍びがたきことあ...
