

Tom is a junior high school student. He lives in a small town. There is a beautiful lake near his town.
One day Tom went to the lake to watch birds. When Tom was watching birds on the shore of the lake, he met his teacher Mr. Smith and his little daughter Ann. Tom enjoyed watching birds for about half an hour with them. Then, Mr. Smith said, “Tom, there are more birds(a)(sing)in the forest over there.” Tom decided to go into the forest with them.
When they were walking to the forest, they came to a small river. There was a log bridge across it. Mr. Smith walked across the bridge first, but Ann didn’t try to walk after her father. She was not able to move. Then, Mr. Smith said, “Come here, Ann.” She answered, “I’ve never crossed this kind of bridge. So, please help me.” Tom heard it and said, “Ann,shall I take you to your father?” Mr. Smith looked at Tom and said, “Oh,please don’t do that. She has to cross the bridge alone. We should wait until she crosses it.” Tom thought, “Why did he say that? It’s a little strange. He often tells us to be kind to other people.”
Mr. Smith looked at Ann and said, “Don’t be afraid of the bridge. You can come to me without any help.” She(b)(begin)to walk very slowly to the bridge, and then she walked on it very carefully. Tom and Mr. Smith were watching her. She sometimes (c)(stop)on the bridge to look down at the river. Tom said to her, “You should look straight at your father and walk to him.”
At last, Ann crossed the bridge. Mr. Smith hugged her and said, “Great! You did it!” Then, Tom crossed the bridge and went to them. Ann said to Tom, “I am very happy           .” Tom said, “Ann,I’m sure you have confidence now.” Mr. Smith looked at Tom and Ann. “It’s important for us to try a difficult thing,” said Mr. Smith and smiled.


(注) shore : 岸  log :丸太,丸木  bridge : 橋  take : 連れて行く
be afraid of〜:〜をこわがる  hugged : 抱きしめた
confidence : 自信


(1) (a)〜(c)の(   )の中の語を,適切な形に直しなさい。


(2) 次の@,Aの質問に対して,本文の内容と合う答えを英語で書きなさい。
@ Did Tom meet Mr. Smith and his daughter on the shore of the lake?
A Who crossed the bridge first?


(3) アン(Ann)は,丸木橋を前にして,手助けを求める理由としてどのようなことを言ったか。アンが言ったことを,日本語で書きなさい。


(4) 丸木橋の途中にいるアンに対して,トム(Tom)はどのようなことを言ったか。トムが言ったことを,日本語で書きなさい。


(5) 本文中の     の中に補うものとして最も適切なものを,次のア〜エの中から1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。
ア because we enjoyed talking about the bridge
イ because my father told you to help me near the bridge
ウ because I was able to cross the bridge alone
エ because you walked on the bridge with me


(6) スミス先生(Mr. Smith)は,アンに体験させたことについて,トムとアンの二人に,自分の考えを述べている。スミス先生が述べていることを,日本語で書きなさい。




次の英文を読んで(1)〜(6)の問いに答えなさい。Tom is a junior...


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